RouTecs, material handling, Storage and retrieval



Today manufacturing faces many complex challenges, high production costs, workforce shortages, uncompromising quality requirements, and more. By integrating robots at production lines, factories enable them to plan and automat high-dynamic manufacturing processes while maintaining the ability to make future updates depending on product development and production changes.





ABB is a leading supplier of industrial robots and robot software, equipment and complete application solutions. ABB at home in 53 countries and have installed more than 400,000 robots, supported by the broadest service network and offering in the industry.

We are in RouTecs, designing, and executing
automation Material Handling solutions for logistics and manufacturing.

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Welcome to RouTecs

We are in RouTecs, designing and executing automation Material Handling solutions for logistics and manufacturing. In RouTecs, we will join you as a partner to design and implement a full factory automation Material Handling solution, whenever are box or pallet automatic storage and conveyor systems.

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RouTecs, material handling, Storage and retrieval
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